The Sacred Heart Journey

The Sacred Heart Journey Podcast

“Rediscovering the Sacred Within”

Welcome to The Sacred Heart Journey podcast, where we explore the path to living authentically and reconnecting with your divine essence. Join us as we dive into topics that bring your attention back to aligning with your unique purpose. Together, we’ll uncover the wisdom of the heart and empower you to create a life of purpose, love, and alignment.

Why a Podcast?

Both of us, in unique ways, are feeling called to a life of greater service to others.  Answering the call to something greater than ourselves. When we ask, “Why a podcast?” the answer is found in the depth of the calling itself—a pull beyond the need to understand, rooted in a desire to connect, uplift, and inspire others on their sacred journeys.

This space is our offering, a heartfelt response to the call to share love, wisdom, and purpose with the world.

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."

- Rumi